
working with us
General licensing terms to use media created by REWS Media, LLC. Some details may vary based on personalized contract.
Parties / Terminology:
REWS Media, the company photographing, editing, and delivering all media will be referred to in these licensing terms as [THE COMPANY].
Any real estate agent, broker, homeowner, tenant who is directly involved in the original contract (including arranging and/or paying for any media) will be referred to as [THE CLIENT].
Anyone who is NOT involved in the original contract (including non-agents, non-brokers, as well as agents who list any property AFTER these photos were originally licensed) will be referred to as a [3RD PARTY].
Any deliverable materials (photos, video, websites, floor plans) that came from [THE COMPANY] and were given to [THE CLIENT] will be referred to as [MEDIA].
How our Real Estate Licensing Works:
When legally receiving any type media of (photos, video, websites, floor plans, etc.) from [THE COMPANY], included – at no additional price, unless written into the contract and signed by both [THE COMPANY] and [THE CLIENT] – is a non-exclusive, limited, 1-year license to use the [MEDIA].
The limited license allows [THE CLIENT] to use the [MEDIA] solely for the purpose of marketing and listing the property for sale.
Under no circumstance, is the [MEDIA] to be used for any other purpose other than for the marketing and listing of the property for sale, even if used by [THE CLIENT] and/or within the licensing term limit.
Any individual, including [THE CLIENT], who wishes to use the [MEDIA] for any other purpose other than for the marketing and listing of the property for sale, they must contact [THE COMPANY], and additional licensing can be issued, accompanied by a written contract that is signed by both[THE COMPANY] and the party purchasing the new license, now also known as [THE CLIENT].
Ownership of Media:
[THE COMPANY] reserves the right to retain full legal ownership of any [MEDIA] given to [THE CLIENT], now and for the end of time, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing and signed by both [THE COMPANY] and [THE CLIENT].
[THE CLIENT] is given the right to use the [MEDIA] as described in these licensing terms for the term limit stated; however no legal ownership will be given to [THE CLIENT]. Simply put, [THE CLIENT] is given the right to legally use (for a specific purpose and for a specific period of time) the [MEDIA], and [THE CLIENT] is NOT entitled to any additional rights regarding the [MEDIA].
Quoted pricing, which is agreed upon by both [THE COMPANY] and [THE CLIENT] includes compensation for the following:
(1) the time and effort required to photography the property; (2) the time and effort required to edit the [MEDIA]; (3) delivery and formatting of all [MEDIA], so as to be seen as the “final and finished product”; and (3) the standard real estate Limited Licensing as stated in the terms above.
[3RD PARTY] Usage: The Limited License issued to [THECLIENT] is, as described above, specific in regards to:
(1) who may legally use the [MEDIA]; (2) how the [MEDIA] can be legally used; and (3) the term limit in which the [MEDIA] can be legally used.
It is, therefore, forbidden and illegal, for any [3RD PARTY] to use these materials. It is important that [THE CLIENT] understand this and refrain from offering, sending, or giving any [3RD PARTY] access to use the photos for any purpose other than for the marketing and listing of the property for sale.
If a [3RD PARTY] inquires about use of the [MEDIA], it is the responsibility of [THE CLIENT] to have them contact [THE COMPANY] for details regarding the licensing of [MEDIA] for their specific purpose(s).