Tips for Using Professional Real Estate Photography for the First Time

We’ve recently been working with agents who are using professional photography for the first time, and they have voiced several questions relating to doing research on a photographer and what to already have prepared for the shoot. For those agents who have used professional photography in the past, this is not a surprise because several important factors do come up when using professional photography for the first time.

There’s nothing wrong with asking some questions and getting informed. In fact, we’d be more worried about those who don’t ask any questions about the process. This usually leads to a less than stellar outcome, with the agent not receiving what they want and the photographer inconvenienced or upset because they weren’t given enough information.

The answer is simple: planning and communication.


Here are a few things we have compiled on researching a photographer and preparing for professional real estate photography:

(1) Know which shots are the “money makers”.
This means knowing which shots are the most viewed as well as knowing which features of your property are going to be absolutely essential for viewers. This varies from property to property and needs to be communicated to the photographer because it may not always be obvious to them.

(2) Communicate with your real estate photographer.
Speak with your real estate photographer ahead of time and make sure you’re on the same page regarding the most important shots. You’ll thank yourself later because the possibility of a reshoot can cost hundreds of dollars and in some cases nearly the same amount as the original shoot.

(3) Know your photographer’s work.
Research a photographer’s work by looking at samples on their website. If they don’t have samples, THAT’S NOT GOOD! Every experienced photographer will have samples, and it’s often their primary means of gaining exposure and work. Don’t go into this blindly thinking that a “professional” will always know what to do. Remember, the photographer is there to do what they do best, but you have the reigns to determine where the emphasis is placed.

This should put you on the right track toward building a good working relationship with your photographer, and from there you can always ask more questions. Photographers like to be prepared, and they will thank you just as much as your sellers will.

What are your thoughts and feedback?

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