Checklist for Property Brochure / Real Estate Flyer

[button style=”info” color=”silver”]ATTENTION:[/button]

As of February, 2014 we no longer design property brochures “in-house”. We work with a local print shop, MyPrintXpress, that will put everything together for you. This checklist will still come in handy; however please make arrangements for property brochures directly through their site.

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When it comes time to put your property brochure together, the following information is what we will need from you. Please submit this information AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and ALL TOGETHER IN 1 EMAIL. This will ensure we include all of your information and get everything put together as quickly as possible, to submit to our print shop.

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Agent Information:

  • Full Name
  • Direct/Cell Phone
  • Email Address
  • Website URL (optional)
  • BRE #
  • Photo/Headshot of agents (jpg/png/pdf formats okay) *
  • Company/Agency Logo (jpg/png/pdf formats okay)
  • [divider]

    Property Information:

  • Full Address of Property (including zip code and apartment/unit #, if applicable)
  • Listing Price
  • Property Description (approximately 75-100 words)
  • 4 SHORT Bullet Points (main features such as beds/bath, square footage, etc.)
  • MLS Listing # of property
  • Custom “.com” URL (optional, add $10)
  • [divider]

    * If this will be a co-listing, and there will be more than 1 agent, please include a photo and ALL information from above for ALL agents.


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